Investing In PR For Your Human Resources Agency

by TD
2 min read
Nov 5, 2020 12:12:21 AM

When a company doesn't have its own HR department, they can turn to human resources agencies. The below information will apply to investing in PR (public relations) for the success of HR (human resources). While most of the information applies to human resources agencies, HR departments within a company may benefit from some of the topics, as well.

First things first however, what is the job of human resources? Within an organization, HR is responsible for the development and management of employees (that's an umbrella statement).

An HR specialist wears many hats, but here are some of the responsibilities of human resources personnel:

  • Training job applicants
  • The recruiting of prospective employees.
  • Screening job applicants.
  • The administration of employee benefit programs.
  • Address misunderstandings between employers and employees.
  • Stay updated regarding laws that may affect employees and/or the company.
  • .. and more!

The Relationship of HR and Technology

Today's job market is candidate driven. Innovative tools need to be used by employers to accomplish the following:

  • Support workplace culture
  • Build employee engagement
  • Streamline hiring
  • Find/retain top talent

Company and human resources leaders, in order to do this, must have the appropriate technology. But if your HR agency and staff have never heard of the technology required, employer's needs will not be met. To put your services on the radar of business leaders and other human resource professionals, the right PR can make all the difference.

Let's take a look at why, to human resources agencies, PR is so critical.

The Right PR Agency Will Help You Reach Your Target Audience

Whether it's the latest technology to hit the market or predicted trends for the coming years, where the HR industry is concerned, human resources individuals must keep themselves informed and updated. Consider reading publications like the following:

  • HRO Today
  • Human Resource Executive
  • HR Dive

What will other organizations see when they Google your human resources agency? You need to be visible in niche media, yes, but you must have an equal presence nationally. To confirm your validity, you will be researched. In a widely read publication, you should appear as a respected agency. If not, companies may turn elsewhere.

You can achieve the notoriety and trustworthiness you need to display and stand out from the crowd, with the right PR agency at your side.

Established PR Agencies Possess Expertise

You are in the business of HR – not PR. Therefore, your expertise lies in human resources, not public relations. Nonetheless, you must have your finger on the pulse of your industry. As companies evolve and grow, they want a human resources agency that not only understands their goals but is forward-thinking. For the HR industry, your leaders need to be spokespeople – individuals that aren't just responding to HR innovations but guiding the conversations about them.


The market of HR technology is becoming increasingly crowded. Organizations today want to be on the next list for "Best Places to Work", cultivate a stellar company culture, and they want to boost employee engagement. To make that happen, they turn to HR.

An abundance of HR startups has been the result of the demand for innovation. To help set yourself aside from the rest, a good PR agency will be instrumental.

Form a Partnership Between HR and JoTo PR

Contact us today, at JoTo PR, for information or to get started catapulting your human resources agency to levels of success you may have thought unreachable. We'll introduce you to any and all of the appropriate technology that you should be taking full advantage of. But that's just the beginning.

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