“PR is extremely important, and being able to use it in the right way means everything. You have to market your success.” —Lee Haney, former Mr. Olympia
We’re Passionate About Community Impact
Part of the unique makeup of JoTo PR is our commitment to our community. Despite our for-profit status, we are a mission-driven organization, and part of what comes with that is a recognition that nonprofits are key players in our world. Through our nonprofit support services, we have gained a broad awareness of and understanding for the challenges that nonprofits face, and we are more than prepared to help these organizations meet them. In fact, we realize that nonprofits particularly need high-quality and far-reaching communications strategies in order to spread their messaging, build a solid base of community support, and connect with funding sources.
As with for-profit organizations running on a tight budget, PR for nonprofits is often neglected, when it’s the very method that could boost impact and operations. For that reason, we want to make our services accessible.
Good Citizenship
We also encourage our clients to contribute to nonprofits in their communities. We welcome and get the most mileage out of working with clients who are good corporate citizens, and also feel a responsibility and a passion for making our world a better place. Building bridges within a community and helping others for the benefit of all is one very powerful way our corporate clients can create employee confidence and public goodwill.
Larger Non-Profits
Nonprofits by virtue of their purpose and mission have a fragile and sensitive public relations profile that out of necessity must appeal to a range of target audiences. Crisis management PR is a difficult proposition for anyone, but for a non-profit it’s absolutely vital and must be handled with the utmost attentiveness and care.
Nonprofit Partners Of JoTo PR
Below are just some of the nonprofit organizations JoTo PR has supported with image, strategy, advisory or fundraising PR activities:
• Clearwater Downtown Partnership
• Boys and Girls Clubs of the SunCoast
• Habitat for Humanity Pinellas County
• Humane Society
• Leadership
• Pace believing in girls
• Points of Lights
• Sunscreen Film Festival
• Tampa Bay Veterans Alliance