"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” —OSCAR WILDE
Press Releases are the lifeblood of your growth.
PR and PRESS RELEASES seem pretty much synonymous today. Every TV show has a “PR Professional” and all they tend to do is look at their phone and say in a stern profession tone, “We’ll get a release out about this in the morning.”
While that’s not exactly incorrect, a press release isn’t only used in times of crisis or when things don’t go as they were drawn up in the board room.
What can a Press Release Do for the Company That Has Their Sh*t Together:
While we are alumni of Crisis PR and know its importance, there isn’t a fire every day to put out so what does a company that is roaring on all cylinders do with a press release?
You’re already doing good things, and contrary to what you might think, good press DOES sell. We’ve proven it with all of our clients in getting their good works known. We’re not talking about “Fluff pieces” or “Look at my shiny award,” articles.
We’re talking about positioning your company and brand as a disruptor, who gets exposure for what you are doing different in your industry and thereby becomes the influencer, the key opinion leader, where your brand then makes the sale.
We specialize in getting your name on the most powerful communication lines of the world, the press, with consistent media stories that establish third-party credibility.
Some of the common byproducts via correctly written and distributed hard-news press releases are:
• Increased public image or repute (Duh. Our Specialty.)
• Increased influence in your field
• Easier sales
• Faster company expansion
• Real-world ROI that, frankly, makes even the staunchest CFOs smile
• More profits (Ask us how.)
• Don’t believe us? Let one of our PR Consultants give you the facts. No nonsense. Just straight info.
• It doesn’t end here, click through to find out why our news releases are top notch.
“I don’t know what I would do without JoTo PR. Before we started doing press releases and social media we had about 4000 site visits a week…and in the last year despite all the search engine algorithm changes that have affected many people we have gone from 4000 visits per week to 8000 visits per week.”
~PR Client, Healthcare Industry