AI’s Customer Service Impact: Siddhartha Sharad on Disruption of Machine-Led Interactions
Join Karla Jo Helms on the Disruption InterruptionTM podcast as she sits down with Siddhartha Sharad, a customer experie …
Why PR Is Essential For Small Businesses?
No one ever said it would be easy to run a small business. If they did – they lied! In order to grow your business and g …
#PRWIN: You’re Right. Our Beer Tastes Like Crap.
#PRWIN: You’re Absolutely Right. Our Beer Tastes Like Crap.
#PRWIN: Reese’s ‘Kills It’ with Halloween ‘Candy Converter’ Vending Machine
OMG this is AMAZEBALLS. Reese’s “kills it” (pun intended)—and now I can truly eat my bodyweight in peanut butter cups th …
#PRWIN: Diesel or Deisel? Obviously, They’re Not the Same…or Are They?...
Pop up market stalls in SoHo, New York aren’t anything unusual, nor are the knockoffs of popular name brands many of the …
#PRDisruption: Innovative Market Disruption, MyMedicalShopper #PRWIN
When companies are disrupting the status quo, it is because something is broken. There is a better way to do something a …