by TD
5 min read
Feb 19, 2021 10:08:52 PM


Who is Technologent?
Technologent is an IT solutions provider that specializes in enterprise-class infrastructure and data center solutions. They assist their clients in leveraging their IT infrastructures as part of their overall growth strategies and provide technology solutions and services that help companies meet the ever-expanding computing challenges of today’s IT environment.

Their team includes some of the IT industry’s leading minds in data center consolidation, digital transformation, IT automation, virtualization and cloud computing technologies and can provide a full technology lifecycle portfolio including assessment, design, integration, and support across multiple IT practice areas.

Technologent Found a Need...

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated businesses’ shift to remote workforces. While this upswing was out of necessity, a survey of full-time employees found upward of 77% of them say that their employers had not put work-from-home protocols into place and another 34% said their companies simply weren’t prepared to have them work from home. Much of the difficulty in establishing remote workforces lies in the logistical and technical issues – many executives and other decision-makers found they didn’t have the IT resources nor the established protocols in place to keep up with the sudden need to move personnel en masse to a remote work model. Even with the employees that were able to successfully transfer to this model, a newly centralized staff now posed additional IT cybersecurity issues.

...While They Faced Challenges

Technologent needed to communicate to businesses that a work-from-home arrangement brought with it increased IT security concerns over data protection for their staffs, customers, clients, business partners, and other parties. These businesses needed infrastructure in place in ensure they could house and transmit data. With IT resources stretched thin, a staff lacking proper IT security training, and numerous technical and logistical difficulties, Technologent had to provide technological solutions that addressed a variety of needs across many industries, each with their own unique requirements.

…JOTO PR DisruptorsTM Provided Disruptive Solutions...

JoTo PRTM showcased Technologent’s ability to provides businesses across multiple industries with IT thought leadership, including methods and advice help companies create IT infrastructures and awareness of the critical needs for security awareness and strategies that could fit within their business and work structures. We focused on earning placements on media that concentrated on the IT and related industries, as well as business journals and magazines to build awareness of Technologent’s vast IT and cybersecurity expertise.

Media Exposure Metrics

Over their highly focused annual campaign, Technologent earned a total of 29 placements in a variety of business and IT journals and websites.

This amounted to an exposure aggregate of nearly 653 million potential views from technology industry and business publications, websites, and interviews. Based on that aggregate and the expected industry standard of 2.5% for actual views, about 16.3 million of Technologent’s target audience (C-Suite executives, members of the IT sector, and business professionals) read or listened to these news stories and industry articles.

Marivi Stuchinsky, Chief Technology Officer for Technologent, hosted an “Ask Me Anything” session on Reddit, a platform which has a mammoth audience, and averages 430 million active users every month. Marivi used this opportunity to provide in real time a bevy of professional advice and knowledge on wide range of IT industry topics, making a pronounced impression with her thought leadership and as a representative of Technologent.
TechRepublic, which receives nearly 6 million unique visits each month, featured Mike McLaughlin, chief information officer at Technologent where he provided excellent advice for businesses in need of critical infrastructure during times of crisis, including disaster recovery plans when infrastructure redundancies aren’t feasible. TechRepublic serves as the “ultimate” professional resource for the vast variety of members belonging to the IT industry – and excellent media exposure to the exact audience.
The Dave Nemo Show, which has an audience of 1.3 million professional drivers and industry stakeholders, featured Technologent’s Chief Information Security Officer Dave Mendoza as their guest where he spoke on the evolving dangers of deepfakes and other cybersecurity threats, their deceptive strategies and what businesses can do to protect themselves.

Technologent leaders were also featured in a number of other precisely targeted media outlets:

TechTarget: AI-powered cyberattacks force change to network security
Compliance Week: No stopping CCPA enforcement deadline, says California AG
Industry Today: The Ticking Clock of CCPA Compliance for Manufacturers
Hospitality Technology: IT: Follow these Important Steps to Ensure Guest, Staff Safety
Retail Touchpoints: Are Retailers Ready For The CCPA Enforcement Deadline?
Insurance Journal: Collateral Damage: How Cyber Security Affects Agencies
Bank Business News: Security is the New Normal as Banking & Finance Pivot to Remote Workforces
Thrive Global: “Assure your team that they can count on you” With Marivi Stuchinsky
Dark Reading: Deep Fake: Setting the Stage for Next-Gen Social Engineering
My Tech Decisions: Developing Safe Remote Work Strategies for Multi-Level Access
For every feature article placement, we positioned a Technologent officer in their respective thought readership roles, giving each one an excellent opportunity to show large industry audiences their business was at the forefront of IT infrastructure and security needs and awareness. They provided a wealth of practical advice and recommendations during a time of great need that has greatly affected the operations of a multitude of SMBs, thereby reinforcing their place as a major influencer within the IT industry.

By adding Anti-PRTM to their global marketing strategy, Technologent was able to realize the highest number of new clients in company history in 2021.

…and Technologent Responded!

“My background is in Communications and Public Relations, but like many PR pros I ended up in Sales and Marketing and only applying PR as one aspect of my communications strategy. Being responsible for our company’s global communications strategy and all aspects of its branding, what I value about working with JOTO PR Disruptors is that they have really helped me understand the ROI of PR and how changing public opinion equates into action. Since PR’s job is to be an image shaper, seeing how that translates into more positive activity for our brand has been game changing.

“With JoTo PR’s Anti-PR Strategy, our company has been able to get valuable exposure from credible media outlets that has not only helped increase the traffic to our website by 266% in 8 short months, but it also has received the attention of our key competitors, which is always great for morale! From the consistent hard-news news releases causing massive exposure, to the earned media endorsing our brand, I clearly see the positive role PR plays in the entire aspect of successful marketing; PR starts the fire and marketing fans the flames. And we have been able to increasingly fan those flames with the exposure we have been getting.” ~Heather Gonzalez, Vice President of Global Communications and Strategic Alliances of Technologent

About Technologent:

Technologent is a Global Provider of Edge-to-EdgeTM Information Technology Solutions and Services for Fortune 1000 companies. They help companies outpace the new digital economy by creating IT environments that are fast, flexible, efficient, transparent and secure. Without these characteristics, companies will miss the opportunity to optimally scale. Technologent mobilizes the power of technology to turn vision into reality, enabling a focus on driving innovation, increasing productivity and outperforming the market.

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