Who is Quadrant Information Services?
Quadrant Information Services headquartered in Pleasanton, CA, provides pricing analytics solutions for property and casualty insurance companies. Quadrant gives actuary, product development, pricing, sales, and marketing personnel for its client companies—which includes all the major insurance carriers in the United States— the data they need to make accurate, data-driven decisions. An industry innovator since its founding in 1991, Quadrant has provided the P&C insurance field with a long series of technological advances, most recently InsureWatch, the industry’s first cloud-based pricing tool, which allows the user to produce unlimited combinations of reports with the click of a mouse. Quadrant is for insurance companies that are “tired of losing the right customers and winning the wrong ones.”
Quadrant Found a Need.
The Digital Age has brought unprecedented amounts of information known as “big data” (data sets so large or complex that render traditional data processing applications to be inadequate), whether this be thoughts, facts, measurements, analyses, prices, specifications, or other forms of data. Those who can summarize “big data” in an insightful way for others have established themselves as leaders of the business world. The P&C insurance market needed to understand the complexities and relevance behind insurance rates—and Quadrant offered the ability to inform.
While the Company Faced Challenges…
Quadrant had virtually no online presence, and its PR was nonexistent. The company’s lack of messaging had led to a perception that its original product, MapPro7, was very similar to InsurQuote, the product of Quadrants competitor, LexisNexis. Insurance companies were going back and forth between the two products, creating a great deal of confusion in the public. Quadrant first had to establish its reputation in the marketplace. The company also needed to make the case for its MapPro7 as a superior product versus LexisNexis’s InsurQuote in order to reduce Quadrant’s client and prospect losses. Additionally, Quadrant was aiming to create awareness among C-level executives of the company’s new competitive web-based pricing tool, InsureWatch.
…We Provided Disruptive Solutions.
Quadrant had several differentiators from others in the industry that we emphasized during the company’s campaign, including: a client-focused mindset, with a 24-hour customer service response time; a 25-year record of excellent service that was focused exclusively on pricing analytics for P&C insurance companies; keeping up-to-date with technological development; and providing two pricing analytics software solutions—the MapPro7 and InsureWatch products. We targeted lower-tier insurance, business, IT, financial, and consumer publications as well as high-tier popular media outlets such as CBS News, Auto Guide, and Thomson Reuters.
Media EXPOSURE Metrics
During the two-year-long long campaign, Quadrant achieved a total of 85 placements in precisely targeted media outlets including many industry-specific websites, radio shows, and national newspapers.
This amounted to an exposure aggregate of 212,845,681 potential views for industry-specific business and real estate publications in addition to larger newspapers and business journals. Based on that aggregate and the expected industry standard of 2.5% for actual views, 5,321,142 of the company’s targeted decision-makers (i.e. prospects) read or listened to these news stories.
USA Today—with a nearly 37 million unique visitors a month—featured Michael Macauley, CEO of Quadrant, who offered his expert opinion on the possible effects of home insurance costs for homeowners and companies that are using smart lock technology (such as Amazon Key).
Quadrant gained a tremendous amount of exposure after appearing in Thomson Reuters, which has over 30 million unique visitors per month. Quadrant provided industry thought leadership on privacy concerns over data collected from wearable technologies that are prompting a push for U.S. regulation.
National Underwriter Property & Casualty, which specifically targets P&C insurance professionals as well as risk and benefits managers, featured Quadrant in an article discussing the insurance industry’s readiness for the advent of self-driving boats. The company’s insight on the subject reinforced its reputation while showcasing Quadrant’s forward thinking on new technologies and impact on insurance pricing and policies.
Macauley provided his expert perspective on the societal hurdles to automobile vehicle adoption for Inside Big Data—an online publication covering big data analytics for data scientists as well as IT and business professionals. The online publication bolstered industry awareness by citing Quadrant as a leading supplier of pricing analytics services for P&C insurance.
For every news story and article, we positioned Quadrant as the P&C industry leader that has its “finger on the pulse” of new and upcoming technologies along with proprietary price analysis software products designed to meet the competitive analysis needs of insurance professionals. Quadrant’s contributions to the emerging debates covering how advanced technologies (such as vehicle automation and home security systems) helped establish the company as an innovator with the influence to help shape the future of P&C risk analysis.
…and Quadrant Responded!
“Our online presence had been virtually nil, which was contributing to an insurance industry misconception that our competition’s product represented the best in price analysis technology. But after two years of steady and well-targeted placements in the appropriate publications and popular news outlets, we gained the attention of a number of new clients and prospects who otherwise wouldn’t have been aware of us, let alone our first-rate software solutions.” ~Michael Macauley, CEO of Quadrant Information Services
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