Free PR IQ Test

PR is life-based and simple at its core, but there can be many moving parts. Because PR affects everything, it is often confused as advertising, marketing or customer service. This quick quiz will bring to light your strongest and weakest areas and compare them to what it takes to use real PR the right way. There are six sections addressing the component parts of Public Relations. By completing this PR IQ Test, your will receive your overall PR IQ score out of 100%, as well as individual scores for each category. The closer to 100%, the better your PR.

Directions: Check the answer that applies: YES, NO or SOMEWHAT for each question. (If you are unsure for any one answer, then answer with ‘SOMEWHAT’.)

* Designates required information to obtain the results of this test. You will be contacted with your results within 1 business day. Your results and consultation are free.