dis-rup-tion: A Major Change In An Industry, Business Strategy, Etc., Particularly Relating To The Introduction Of A New Product Or Service That Creates A New Market.
Disruption is shaking things up. Moving past the typical. Getting rid of the status quo.
The media and internet is crowded with white noise. It’ s crucial that your company blasts through the mundane like a shot out of a cannon.
You’re doing big things in your industry. But if you don’t utilize persuasive third-party credibility channels (getting OTHERS to endorse you), your target audiences won’t know who you are, won’t trust you…and frankly won’t feel comfortable doing business with you.
At JOTO PR, we are DISRUPTORS ourselves, so we know a thing or two about breaking the barriers. We don’t just love busting through the noise for our clients to get their message out to millions on the most powerful communication lines of the world – we are unabashedly relentless at it.
That Is What We’re Going To Do For You to Get PR ROI:
a) Research: Our battle-tested research skills will figure out how your company can DISRUPT your market and stand out on its own. There is nothing that we do here that isn’t backed by hard analytics and proven processes. From our extensive background in Crisis Management, we know there isn’t time to mess around to ‘try this’ or ‘try that’—our research and experience tells us where to go and how to get you there…fast.
b) Target: From there, we access the right channels, publications and Key Influencers to target that will embrace your disruption and impinge upon your target audiences. We disrupt thinking. We disrupt “the way it has always been done.” Our Anti-PR PR Strategists vet out all the clutter and get you into the correct media outlets to CHANGE minds or get them thinking NEWLY.
c) Penetration: You want to be the top of the tech world, the go-to on all things finance or even the cutting age of healthcare – no matter what type of industry you’re in, having the right people know who you are, what you’re about, and how you get things done all starts with DISRUPTION.
We break through the human emotion and reactive barriers to disruption that keep your target prospects from listening to you. Your message starts to gain traction. Your sales start to react.
“It can be difficult for a startup to gain attention and respect within an industry. JoTo PR has helped us get the word out about who we are, what we do and why we are experts in our field. With consistent and continuous PR messaging, we have emerged as a major contender in the Internet security-training sector with the space of one year. These successes would not be possible if we hadn’t actively focused on building awareness and credibility.” – S. Sjouwerman, Founder of KnowBe4
ex-po-sure: Brand Visibility Referring To The Extent To Which A Company’s Target Market Is Exposed To The Company’s Communications About Its Product Or Services, Initiatives Or Around Crucial Industry Issues, Etc.
Exposure is the process of garnering media visibility. It’s HOW much visibility you get. You increase your exposure, you increase your revenue potential. We create a swarm of interest, activity and demand. Buzz. Brand visibility. Awareness. However you slice it, volume, frequency and power of your message makes you more well-known and well thought of.
a) Traction: Things are rolling, your PR message is quickly multiplying. The public is now at attention are seeing your message accumulate. Your name is becoming synonymous with your industry. The JOTO news releases, media interviews and bylined articles are gaining traction with more than 30,000+ media outlet partners consistently. Your digital footprint is transforming from a small paw to the size of King Kong’s foot.
b) Ripple Effect: Our consistent penetration of the media has created a “spreading effect” whereby the press is reacting with more placements, larger editorial boards are being influenced by your industry news and determining how to get on the bandwagon. Critical mass has started to set in. More stories are getting published and even older pieces are shared through professional circles in your industry and through the super-speedway of social media.
c) Perception Shift: This is the time where the perception of your company changes from “the new kid on the block” or “old dog” to the steadfast pillar of your industry. What started off as something you knew to begin with, your public now see it too…and your competitors are scratching their heads thinking, “Where the @#! did they come from?”
Old clients increase spending. Educated prospects are calling in with knowledge of who you are, what you do and interested to work with you – already convinced of your success from the goodwill they’ve heard about through the right PR messaging, and ROI for both PR and marketing skyrockets.
“Before we started doing publicity and social media we had about 4000 site visits a week…and in the last year despite all the Google algorithm changes we have gone from 4000 visits per week to 8000 visits per week. People KNOW who we are and are looking for us…and finding us. There wasn’t anything else we changed – those direct visits to the site more than doubled in a year’s time…and now we are able to expand like we want to.” -B. Wesch, CFO, Novus Medical Detox
in-flu-ence: The Power To Change Or Affect Someone Or Something; The Capacity To Cause Changes Without Directly Making Them Happen.
a) Consistency: We pervade your market with your message. Your story is honed to perfection. It cuts through the noise. Goodwill has been established. You are a powerhouse in the media world. Your pieces are picked up without question because you are now considered an influencer in the arena that you dominate.
b) Thought Leadership: You are sought after and quoted. Media outlets want your take on current events. You are to the go-to Key Opinion Leader. The best part of influence is the consistent sales growth and expansion. You now dominate.
c) Snowball Effect: This is the tipping point of adoption – the point at which a series of small changes becomes significant enough to cause a larger, more important change. YOU become the change. You ARE the change. The brand makes the sale.
As your ROI increases, you can now invest in the next thing, which we then take charge of and disrupt, gain exposure and influence for you. Full circle, through these series of developments, we lead you back to the original position of disruption, yet you are in a whole new realm. That first story we put out has turned into a media machine that pumps out new sales, expansion and that sweet, sweet ROI that even makes the most hardened CEO and CFO crack a smile.
Now you are at the 4th stage where we maintain this level of exposure and influence. Don’t get comfortable. Power must be sustained. Use it or lose it.
We know how to get you there. We are changing up the game of PR and have laid out the road map that leads to RESULTS. No more smoke and mirrors. We’re not here to spend a month “getting to know you” only so we can say, “we need more info from you.” We’re here to put you on the map and keep you there.
Are you ready to DISRUPT your industry, EXPOSE your message and become an INFLUENCER?
“The brilliant thing about working with JOTO PR I have learned that there are many different target publics in a particular business – having broken down those publics with JoTo PR’s help, I have come to a much deeper understanding of PR.
Whereas before, PR was a “nice to have”, I have realized PR is occurring (good or bad) whether or not you have an agency representing you or not. Breaking down and understanding who my various publics are and know what they give back to our company has been vital. PR is the gateway to any success you are going to have in business. Date coincident with starting with JOTO PR we have doubled as an organization, which was something I had not believed was possible in such a short amount of time.” -J. Hillman, CEO of NTC